Elevate benefits all

pioneering features
Elevate is a different way of working. Elevate is the hub, where information flows to and from. But more importantly elevate has been designed to be simple. Automated where possible, with brand new featuers such as the automatic programe, valuations, cash flow forecasts, just to mention a few.There are many more unique features to elevate and when you link them all together they create the complete package.
Increased productivity per- capita
In creased productivity is acheived simply, elevate has automated as much of the process as possible, thus reducing the work load on your employees and with duplication of works eradicated, works are completed first time, but more importantly at the correct time. Total stress free management
guidance for all in colour
Elevate guides all operatives for all sectors at the same time, simply and efficiently. The colour coding of tasks, which are priority linked, ensure the correct task is undertaken at the correct time. Reducing stress in the work place by the use of elevates guiding hand.
elevate assist
Elevate it not just happy with offering you the perfect management tool. Elevate also wants you to feel confident knowing that there is someone to turn to if you have a problem. With this in mind elevate have set up 'elevate assist', the perfect backup for your operatives, with Telephone assistance, Online assistance, Call out service, Free training at the time of first installation, and we don't leave it there, we want you to have the best experience ever while working with elevate, so elevate stays with you until we are happy, you are happy, and totally confident with the software and it's abilities.
Project and history at a glance
See in real time the status of your project. From programme status through to precise cash flows you can review every detail of your project. Furthermore, select any date from the past and recall all the data of the project within seconds.
Compare Elevate to others (duration: 1:22)
Management made simpler by Elevate (duration: 3:24)
elevate links / guides all
Specialised knowledge can be very beneficial, particularly in large and complicated projects since experts in various specialties can provide valuable services. However, it is advantageous to understand how the different parts of the process fit together. Waste, excessive cost and delays can result from poor coordination and communication from all. It is particularly in the interest of everyone to ensure that such problems do not occur. Elevate accomplishes this with ease by guiding all. All everyone has to do is follow the colours, it’s really as simple as that!
secure logins and data protection
Elevate’s security is second to none, with access rights for each individual user enabling them to either read, edit, add, delete in addition to access groups, access rights and finally login user all ensuring that data is kept safe. With server back-up data files are also kept safe.
Quotes & Accolades
Shortlisted for best newcomer to show @ interbuild, NEC.
Shortlisted to appear on dragons den BBC UK.
2 NO Editors articles (D.Chadwick) in ‘Construction Computing’.
“You have cornered the world market”-Bovis Lendlease-Technical Division, London.
“The only system that interlinks, directs all the different sectors of the industry”-Editor-Build and Engineer Magazine
“It’s a system ahead of it’s time and is the next system after windows”-J.Homola MBA, AJHF Group Chairman and Board adviser.
“Wow, I have not seen anything like it!” N.Kilby MBA (Cranfield Business School)-MD of MLS.
“The system does everything we require”, CEO, AC Majors.
“It’s certainly the most complete system I have ever seen”. J.Rowntree-CEO, Vantage Homes.