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"You'll see more and more of that-computer as a servant. But the next big thing is going to be computer as a guide or agent" Steve Jobs
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Any Business Structure
“If elevate can do this for the construction industry, imagine what it can do for your business, by simply changing the process names? Its really that simple! Finance, Shipping, any documentation, sales,any business structure becomes more proficient and effective in the simplest of ways, by simply been guided bye the colours” S.McGowan



Elevate links all the different management sectors of the industry together: Client, Design, Finance and the Construction Phase. Ensuring correct guidance is maintained at all times. All they have to do is follow the colours?


Quality is one of the driving factors behind Elevates development, it’s unique checking system ensures delivery of first-class works, and virtually defect free.

Automated Documentation

With the automated contract administration working to save you time, more time can be spent looking after the contract than filling in paper work.

Process Driven

Elevate works tirelessly to ensure that each process is completed in a timely manner and to the correct standards, thus ensuring the delivery of a project/contract at the correct time, budget and quality.

Remote Viewing and Data Insertion

With remote viewing and data insertion, let Elevate help you direct your management. Remember if there is no problem then there is no need to go there.
Let your staff review all and insert data making them more efficient and save large amounts of time, which in turn increases productivity.

Automated Reports and Charts

Elevate produces real-time data including programs which automatically update progress. In addition to the automatic weekly report which is clear and precise, supplementing the sub-contractor rating, financial, cash flow forecasts, damage and weather report.


Elevate manages in great detail, making everyone dependable on each other. With the unique guidance system, Elevate is the helping hand.

Budget Control

After setting the parameters, sit back and watch Elevate take full control over the contract/project budget. See the financial reporting, warnings and cash flow forecast all working in action, knowing that the budget is fully under control.

Automatic Finance

Elevates detailed management of budgets and costs is second to none. Giving excellent assistance and guidance to the entire finance team: Investor, Client, Main Contractor, Sub-Contractor and Design.

Contractual Administration

No need to worry anymore, with very little data input, Elevate manages all the contractual administration.


Known in the industry as items that are hard to document or incidents that are highly unlikely to be proven, to which they have a cost are part and parcel of the contracts/projects administration and financial risks. Not anymore, with Elevate non-recoverable now become recoverable.

Remote Viewing and Data Input

Linking all together and communicating all sectors status, full communication is achieved. With data remotely inputted, it does not matter where you are, it’s that simple.

Financial Valuations

Elevate’s unique automatic valuation system allows valuations of works to be generated automatically. Valuations are precise with additional quality controlled features.

Quality Assured

With Elevate’s unique quality system, no need to worry about the quality anymore.


Elevate understands that many variations can be issued while a contract is on-going. Use Elevate’s unique variation section where all costs, quality and effects are shown, accounted for, and inserted in the budget.

Design Guidance

Elevate helps all, guiding the design team to the next priority, there is no need to worry anymore, just follow the colours and design will always be in front of construction.

Request For Information Monitoring

Elevate understands that design issues arise all the time. Elevate does not just guide the design team, but RFI’s are sorted in priority order, so everyone knows the one most important.

Design Approval

Elevate helps the design team too, ensuring that all are guided to the contracts requirements. With the additional backup of the ‘Request for Information automated system’, design can be completed in the timescales required by the contract/project.

Variation Tracking

Variations can cause real problems as we all know. Let Elevate help. Elevate inserts instructions into the programs and then automatically informs the stakeholder of the variation! It couldn’t be easier.

Client Approval

Elevate guides everyone. Even the clients are guided in the right direction to ensure smooth continuity of the project.

Remote Viewing and data input

With remote viewing and data input, let Elevate remove the stress of design management. Let your design co-ordinator sit from afar and deal with a number of projects at the same time saving time and cost.

financial institution

Elevate and the Finance sector(duration: 1:41)


It easy for the financial industry to gain from all the benefits Elevate has to offer, just make Elevate part of the terms and conditions?


No need to worry anymore with regards to valuations, Elevate calculates and issues them automatically.


See in real time, progress and valuations ensuring certitude draw downs, certitude of valuations.


See variations in real time, see them on the program, review the financial and time implications all at the click of a button. Elevate manages it ALL!


Take a peak in real time to find out how progress and finances are progressing.

MANAGE YOUR FUNDS from a distance

Let your fund managers, manage contracts remotely, increasing their productivity and accuracy. Remember Elevate calculates it all!