
Elevate guides, controls and designs the construction phase including quality and financial aspects of the contract including payments. Full reviews of the project can be carried out in real time. No need to visit the site, just login and browse.
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A more trimmed down version of Elevate where the superstructure is completed, the management parameters of Elevate are the fit out, external finishes and financial management.
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Just a few additional clicks and Elevate changes and is instantly enabled to manage different types of contract.
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A more specific version of Elevate where the particulars of the demolition industry are taken into account with the control on safety prior to the demolition process beginning and through the actual demolition process.
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Elevates trimmed down version for sub-contracts implements the contract seamlessly. Looking after the specific sub-contractors works and ensuring the administration of the contract is seamless.
Elevate and the Sub Contractor(duration: 1:22)
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Elevate becomes the hub of the contract ensuring all parties are linked together with direction given to all concerned. Linking client + design + construction phase and finance, Elevate reduces cost and risk to the minimum.
Further advantages are senior management can access Elevate from any location and review the project in real time, once again minimising the company’s risk and ensuring the senior management team are directed to where they are required the most.
Elevate and the Main Contractor(duration: 2:30)
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Elevate assists in the design of buildings but more importantly ensures clear direction is given in clearing any design issues. This reduces timescales for architects and ensures that design stays in front of the construction phase.
In addition, if the architect is also the client’s pqs, Elevate makes sure that payments are correct and works are carried out in accordance with the construction programme. Further added protection is that Elevate can be remotely accessed, enabling real-time data regarding costs and progress can be viewed at any time and from any location.
Architecture and Elevate(duration: 1:47)
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Elevate helps the end user plan for all issues including the final hand over and population of the buildings. As a client, you can keep a close eye on the project or multiple projects from a distance and see the status of all the different sectors of your project and how they are performing.
Elevate ensures buildings are built to specification and all budget issues are easily noted and identified.
In addition, Elevate will predict the cash flow requirements of the project and ensure that the interim valuations are correct per actual works completed. And more importantly, what is complete to the correct quality standard and specification.
The Client and Elevate(duration: 1:20)
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Elevate does not stop at managing one contract, Elevate has been designed so the software can handle multiple contracts of any type. This ensures everything is in one place and management is simple and effortless.
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